Science Education to
Enhance Development
S.E.E.D. Photos
Please enjoy our photo journal of the progress we are making at Great Lakes Regional College and the construction of the Institute of Science Education, the people and events that surround it. Check back often as we will be adding photos and videos of our ongoing progress.

This is where we started before our vision came to light.
Latest Photos of the SEED Institute
Click on a photo to enlarge the images.

Here are some of the 17 students who have enrolled in the SEED INSTITUTE to study for a Bachelor’s Degree in Science Education. (March 2016)

This is a view of the SEED Institute from the road. (Taken Sept. 2015)

This is the newly built SEED Institute: School of Faculty of Science and Technology

This is a view of the SEED building from the University Campus side (Taken Sept. 2015)

This is a view from the balcony of the SEED building.

This is the porch underneath the balcony of the SEED building (Sept 2015)

This is a class in the Biology Lab.

This is the Chemistry lab. The desks and cabinets were made in the University's school of woodworking.

New Sign: SEED Institute - Faculty of Science and Technology

Caleb with Paul and Jesicca Schendel and Hamlet and Kellen

Vice Chancellor George Tumwesigye with SEED Institute Director Patrick Waisswa

Dedicated long term volunteers in Great Lakes Regional University

This is Musana with Paul Schendel.

Nathan, a student, is working on the grounds of the university.
Photos from the construction phase
Click on a photo to enlarge the images.

Current progress, April 2014

L to R: Jessica Schendel, Patrick Waisswa (Director of SEED Institute and Principal of GLRC), Dr. Hamlet Mbabazi (Founding Director of GLRC) and Dr. Paul Schendel at the dedication ceremony

Ground Breaking - excavation of foundation began on 3/31/2013

Pouring Cement for the Foundation